Automated Border System Audit

As autonomous border control devices such as eGates and Kiosks become the norm in every airport, the oversight of those systems is putting a strain on traditional IT enterprise frameworks. Traditional IT departments are not ready to deal with the technical aspects of these systems, interoperability with government backends, and biometric security expertise to properly audit and identify issues or risks associated with these devices.

As an owner and data collector for these systems, airports are at risk of being held accountable in the event a system breach occurs and personal information stolen, misused, or inadvertently stored on these systems. The fines for any organization can be significant, not to mention the reputational risk that an airport could suffer. Although vendors are also liable in such situations, airport operators would be the only name anyone remembers if such an event were to occur. Most organizations require an independent third party to provide a review of those systems to ensure that:

At DBM Consulting, we understand the need for these audits and have the expertise and experience with the technical and integration aspects of these systems to conduct a thorough review of any existing systems in place. Contact us to find out more about our Automated Border System Audit and begin putting in the proper oversight today.

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