In 2013, Vancouver International Airport (VIA) found itself in an excellent position with a new product offering that was gaining market traction and adding new customers consistently. Unfortunately, the system requirements necessary to host and provide services to this new Automated Border Management solution was not designed for mass adoption, and the strains it was putting on the existing IT infrastructure at the airport was showing. DBM Consulting solved this problem and provided a solution that would provide a secure, fast, and redundant solution for their new Border Management product and address the airport concerns of minimizing the leverage on their systems.
DBM Consulting guided VIA through every step of the process of moving its program into the cloud as well as expanding its service offerings with new products and tools that enhanced their support capabilities. The total completion time was approximately six months. Once completed, over 100,000 transactions were processed daily with an uptime of over 99.99% achieved.
DBM produced a case study on this project with AWS, the result of that study can be found here https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/vancouver-international-airport/
This platform continues to operate to this day, acting as the world’s first cloud-hosted Automated Border Control solution and allowed VIA to dominate the US Customs and Border Patrol’s Automated Passport Control kiosk program.